14 January 2010

Check It Out

Hey, check out this link, people...


I find it absolutely hilarious :)))

8 January 2010

My Guilty Pleasures

Everybody has a guilty pleasure. Some people have just one. Others have several. Some people talk about them openly, others prefer to keep certain information to themselves. The truth is, most of us crave for something naughty and most of us feel guilty for enjoying it. So do I.

When thinking about my guilty pleasures, I thought I would have difficulties coming up with one. Surprise, surprise... The list got a big long but I will stick to just a few guilty pleasures of mine...

1. Watching Big Brother is certainly one of my biggest guilty pleasures. I don't know what is so interesting about this show, I find people taking part in it highly miserable and annoying and it is completely boring most of the time. Yes, I know I'm wasting my time watching it. And yet, I watch it. Thank God I am sometimes hit with moments of clarity that are followed by a good, loud blow of guilt to my head.

2. Drinking Drambuie, Southern Comfort or Disaronno. What can I say? I like having a drink while taking a bath or watching a movie. Is that really something I should feel guilty about...?

3. Chinese food... I know it is full of fat and contains lots of calories. But I just can't help it...

4. This one is quite obvious - chocolate. I cannot live without it. As a matter of fact I think I am addicted to it. But guess what? I don't care! Forbidden fruits taste the best and so does chocolate. To be honest, I don't even feel guilty for eating it several times per every day...

5. Shoes... "Do you really need another pair?", the guilty conscience on my right shoulder asks. "Of course you do, dummy!!! Buy them!!!", the Devil on my left whispers. I always listen to the latter...

1 January 2010

Bring It On 2010!

1st January 2010... I cannot believe how quickly the time passes...

How could I describe the past year? Interesting... Full of surprises... Emotional... Trying...
Lots of things happened during the last 365 days. Some of them put a smile on my face, some were encouraging, others emotionally distressing. Below is the short summary of a few events that took place in 2009:

1. I had to postpone finishing my Master's Degree and take a gap year due to financial difficulties.
2. I saw Depeche Mode performing live at the o2 Arena in London.
3. I taught Angie how to close every single drawer and lower cupboards in my kitchen.
4. After weeks of training and hard work, Angie completed the Advanced Stage of Obedience Course and won a gold medal in a small slalom competition.
5. I established new friendships and rebuilt relationships with old friends.
6. I realised some people considered themselves my friends only when it was convenient for them or when they wanted or needed something from me. I also learned that being honest with some of them would take me a long way and after months of not being sure whether I should have done it or not, I finally got of my chest what really bothered me. It helped me clear the air with few people. It also resulted in some of my friendships being flushed down the toilet.
7. I fed an elderly, homeless man.
8. I got invited on a tour of the Olympic Park in London.
9. I took part in the Mayor of London's Skyride along with over 65 thousands cyclists.
10. I became a member of PETA and Dog Trust.
11. I cooked the deer stew for the first time in my life.
12. I watched every single episode of Friends for the 100s time and watched all 4 seasons of my favourite TV drama, Prison Break.

At the beginning of every New Year people make lists of New Year's resolutions. From promises of staying healthy to declarations of getting better jobs and saving money, the lists are endless. The truth is that most people do not keep their resolutions for more than a week and, according to some research, only about 12% actually achieve their goals.

I realise, however, that I am no different than others and I also am tempted to promise "the impossible". So here is the list of my New Year's Resolutions for 2010:

1. To finish my Master's Degree in Media Studies with a very good grade.
2. To keep posting on my Past, Present, Future blog at least once per week.
3. To move out of London.
4. To train Angie to jump through a hoola-hop and start taking her to agility classes.
5. To eat less chocolate. Yeah, right... Let's be honest. I do not want to make any promises I know I will not keep... I, thus, promise to eat more fruits and veggies.
6. To get a job in the media sector.
7. To start learning a new language. Out of so many alternatives, I have opted for either Chinese or Japanese (which one is easier?)
8. To focus less on negative sides of life and smile a lot.
9. To stay away from fake and boring people.
10. To spend more time with friends and show them how much I care.
11. To start kickboxing again.
12. To use my camera more often and take more pictures.

Too many resolutions? Perhaps. Unrealistic? Don't think so. I think moving out of London is going to be the hardest one to achieve but, hey, nothing is impossible, right?

All the best for 2010!