Angie at 6,5 months old
Slawek and I started looking for a puppy in August last year and finally found a good breeder that was located right outside Milton Keynes, over 75 miles from London. I went there to see the litter... the puppies were not even 5 weeks old back then... I was able to see both parents of the puppies and they were both beautiful... the dam (the mother) was very dark and small, the sire (the father) was huge and stunning... they both had lovely temperaments and good hip scores... Nicola, the breeder, was definitely experienced with bringing up and taking care of puppies... there was nothing I didn’t like about her, her approach to breeding or the place itself...
The moment I saw the litter, my eyes were drawn towards one tiny puppy... I knew that she was THE ONE... all of the puppies were really cute but she was exceptional for some reason... she was very approachable and seemed good-natured... her small eyes were looking at me... her tiny black nose was touching my hand... she was trying to climb up on my knees with her small paws... and was making quiet, squeaky sounds... I just knew that this was a dog I wanted to take home with me...
Two weeks later I went to Milton Keynes again with a friend of mine, checked the puppy up and made sure she was ok, had a chat with Nicola – the breeder, signed the contract, placed the puppy in a car and took her to London – to her new home... The journey back home was better than I had expected... she calmly set in a box and even slept for a while... only some 2-3 km from home she got car sick and started throwing up a little bit...
We finally got home and after Angie sniffed the living room for a moment or two, I took her straight to the bathroom... that’s when she had her first puppy bath as she stank really, really badly... (I must say here that I am forever thankful to Michael for not throwing us out of his car that day...:))
Once in the bath, she was a little bit surprised but she wasn’t scared at all... I wrapped her in a huge, black towel I bought especially for her and sat in an armchair with her on my laps... when her coat got dry, I let her out to explore the house...

She was only 7 weeks old when she was separated from her mother and siblings... I thought she would be very sad and miserable during the first few days... that she would cry constantly looking for them around the house... that she would not eat or drink... but she was perfectly fine! She started playing with a ball, running after me and nibbling subtly on my fingers... she seemed happy and was perfectly fine in these completely new to her surroundings... I think that she was so absorbed and fascinated with a new situation, new objects, new people, new circumstances and new smells that she forgot about everything she had left behind... at least for a while...

Once we took her to a vet and got her vaccinated and microchipped, Angie quickly learned how to show us she needed to go out and started doing her business outside...

Although she has been a very adorable little dog, she wouldn’t be a proper puppy if she wasn’t naughty at all, right? Well... there are times when she can be very, very naughty... evenings usually bring a wild side of her... she can be a Devil Incarnate sometimes... she has torn off half of the kitchen floor... she has eaten 2 doormats, 4 plants and a kitchen drawer’s handle... she has chewed a cable connecting a tv set to a DVD device (a quite expensive one...) and two speakers’ cables... she has tried to take a fence apart and has destroyed several kitchen towels and sponges...
What can I say...? Angie may be out of control at times... and she may wind me up, drive me crazy and make my blood boil... but that’s the beauty of being a puppy, isn’t it? :)))

As one writer once said, "dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace"...
I believe that a dog is your friend, your best buddy, your partner, your guardian and defender... and you are the most important person to him, you are his love, you are his whole life... The dog will always be yours... loyal, devoted, faithful... he will be yours till the last breath that comes out from his lungs, till the last beat of his heart... Why? Because the dog "doesn't care if you are rich or poor, big or small, young or old... He doesn't care if you are not smart, not popular, not a good joke-teller, not the best athlete, not the best-looking person... To your dog, you are the greatest, the smartest, the nicest human being who was ever born..." (Louis Sabin)

She’s a real cutie. I love her to pieces!!!
This is the Perfect Post! Every word, every photo... brilliant! And I am very envious.