20 May 2010

Summer Plans

We have come to a decision to spend our holidays in Poland this year. We are going to jump on our car and head to the unknown... or rather well-known... :) I know it would be so much easier to just book a flight and be with our families within a couple of hours. We do not want, however, to leave Angie with strangers and have decided to take her with us and travel by car.

It is going to be a long journey involving 1500km on the road. We would normally make it in about 16-17 hours but considering the time we have to spend crossing the Channel, all the stops we have to make to exercise the dog and the state of Polish roads, I think we are going to make in about 20 hours.

We have just booked a ferry from Dover to Dunkirk in France. The prices for the end of August and mid September cruises are not that bad, actually. There is one thing that has really surprised me.

In order to board a ferry with a dog, we have to pay for the pet’s ticket, £15 each way. Now, because a pet is like any other passenger (!), charging for a dog seems like a fair enough idea. Once on board, we cannot stay in the car and have to go on lower or upper decks. We cannot take the dog with us and have to leave her locked in the car. Ok, these are the rules we have to acknowledge and agree to.

Nevertheless, there is one thing that I do not quite understand. If I travelled without a car and wanted to board a ferry to France or back to England on foot and with a dog, I would be allowed to take my dog with me and would not have to leave her anywhere. The only rule that applies to this situation is that a dog must be on a lead and must stay on the lower deck for the duration of a cruise.

So how come am I not allowed taking my dog on a lower deck when I travel by car? I feel that since I pay more money because of the car and since I am charged a ferry ticket for my dog, I should have some privileges, wouldn’t you agree?

Well, apparently bosses who are in charge of this ferry business do not agree at all. It is just unfair and a bit disappointing... that’s all...

26 April 2010

There Is Something You Should Never, Ever Do While You're Waiting For A Train

I am off work. Finally. It has been a really long day and I just could not wait to finally get out of there. I walk down an escalator at Hammersmith Station. I patiently wait for an eastbound Picadilly train. While I am waiting, I notice that my hands are a bit dry. I take hand cream out of my purse. Before I put the lotion on, I take off my engagement ring and put it in my mouth (I always do it because I just hate when cream gets in slits of my ring). I put a bit of lotion on my hands and start rubbing them together. I see a train coming. I take the ring out of my mouth and place it on my left-hand ring finger. The train stops and in this very second I see my ring falling down on the platform. The rest is just slow-motion, movie-type standard. I see the ring reaching the ground. I scream "OH, NO!!!". My "no!!!", however, does not really help and the ring slowly rolls away, bounces off the wall of the train and falls down the platform. It is gone! I have lost it... I have lost my engagement ring...

I see a Customer Service Adviser. I approach him with a "oh-my-god-what-have-I-done" kind of look on my face. He smiles and calmly asks: "Have you dropped your mobile phone, dear? Don't worry, we'll get it for you". Oh, boy, do I wish it was my mobile down there on the tracks... And then I start panicking. I almost yell at the guy: "I haven't dropped my mobile! Far worse! I've just dropped my engagement ring! I have to get it! You have to help me! I need my ring! I need it now!". The man smiles once again, tells me not to worry once again and then calls a colleague and asks him to assist me.

After about two minutes (although it seems like hours) another TFL worker shows up holding a metal stick that has a small hook on one end and some sort of a big, round magnet on the other. He also smiles and tells me not to worry. He asks me what I have dropped and where. I explain to the guy that it is a white gold engagement ring with a diamond. I tell him where and how I have dropped it.

We start looking for the ring but cannot find it. There is lots of rocks and dirt on the tracks. We cannot see the damn ring. A train comes. We have to postpone the ring-searching until it is gone. The train leaves. We bend lower and scan every single place, inch by inch trying to focus on smallest details. No luck. Another train. Other passengers become interested in what we are doing. They start asking questions. I give a description of the ring. An elderly couple offers their help and starts looking for the ring. I almost cry. I tell the Customer Service Adviser that my fiance is going to kill me... that I have to find the ring... that it is bad luck if I do not...

Another train. The elderly couple wishes me good luck and gets on the train. The Customer Service Advisor and I get on our knees. I can see he really wants to find it for me. Other people dangerously bend over the platform edge. Everyone tries to help. Another train comes. The worker tells me that I would probably have to come back later in the evening or tomorrow morning when the station is less busy. I cannot really blame him. The situation gets far too dangerous as other people bend over the platform edge trying their luck in finding the ring. Another train stops... then leaves. We are still on our knees.

Two young ladies approach and asks whether they can help me. I tell them the story once again. One of them offers another pair of eyes, at least until their train comes. She starts looking for the ring. And then I see it. It is there! Below the platform! Amongst the rocks! I yell: "I've found it!!! It's there!!!". I literally jump on the girl and start hugging her happily. I can tell the Customer Service Adviser is also excited. He smiles and gets ready for the big moment. Another train comes and we have to wait until it leaves the station. The worker gets on his knees again, stretches out the stick and reaches for the ring. People around us are quiet. Everybody awaits the long-anticipated moment. The worker gets the ring on a hook and handles it to me. I can hear sounds of relief around us. I put the ring on my finger and start randomly hugging people on the platform. Everyone is happy for me and they wish me good luck...

Is there anything I have learned from my little incident? Oh, yes, definitely. I have learned that I should never, ever take off my engagement ring before putting hand lotion on my hands...

10 April 2010

Feeling Upset...

Today is a very sad day... Polish President and dozens of key Polish officials are dead... Poland is in mourning... I have never been a big fan of Lech Kaczynski but I am deeply disturbed but what have happened today... I do not have the words to describe how I feel... I am upset... I am sad... I am feeling anxious about the future of my country and my fellow Poles... Let's stay united...

7 April 2010

Training Session

Below are a few photos from one of the last training sessions with Angie :)

Take it



Sit & stay


30 March 2010

Back In London

I spent last weekend in Poland. I caught an early flight to Lodz on Friday morning. The weather was beautiful! Sunny and warm, +19 degrees Celsius!!! I was shocked!

My mom and her partner picked me up from the airport. It was very nice outside so we decided to go for a walk and had an early lunch at a small restaurant that specializes in making delicious pierogi (a Polish word for dumplings). We then went to see a solicitor (my main reason for going to Poland) and visited Slawek's parents'.

Saturday was very busy. Even though the weather was horrible (it was raining all day and it was only +10 degrees Celsius), Saturday was quiet busy. First, we went to visit my grandpa's grave, did a bit of shopping. Then we went to see my brother's daughters and spend few hours with them. I also managed to see few of my friends. We went to The Lizard King Pub, had a few delicious cocktails and pints of beers, talked, laughed and listened to rock'n'roll music that was played live. We had a good time. It is a shame I could not stay a bit longer. Maybe next time...

I am back in London now and, even though the weather sucks big time, I have been really happy and cheerful since I have got back.

16 March 2010

A Short Visit

Due to the circumstances not entirely depending on me, I am going to spend the following weekend in Poland. Although the reason why I have to go there is not something that makes me happy or something that I would want to share with the rest of the world, I must say I am looking forward to my little trip. Hey, my friends, here I come!!! The Lizard and rock (and roll) await! :))

4 March 2010

It's Almost Weekend

It is almost weekend and I have no idea how I will spend it...

Firstly, I have been as sick as a dog for the past 2 days and, unfortunately, I am not getting any better... Secondly, Slawek has gone off to Poland today and will be back on Tuesday night... I am all alone...

I have the whole weekend to myself and myself only... So let's think... I am going to uni tomorrow. I will have a very interesting lecture on multiculturalism, identity politics and cultural differences. I will probably spend some time in a library researching the above and looking for resources that would help me to prepare for a next week's lecture.

I will have to go shopping... I need to buy presents for Slawek's and Alex's oncoming birthdays. I am also planning on visiting my friend, Justyna, on Saturday but it will depend on how I will have felt. I will spend a couple of hours drinking cocktails while chatting with Pati on Skype. And I will spend hours being out with Angie...

That is my plan for the weekend... :)

23 February 2010

I am back

"To keep posting on my Past, Present, Future blog at least once per week"... I wrote this on the 1st day of January 2010 as part of my New Year's Resolutions. It clearly has not happened and I have not kept my promise. I have not written anything for over six weeks! I do not even know why... Was I too busy? Not really... Maybe I just did not feel like writing anything... Or maybe I simply did not have anything to write about...

I am back, however, and ready to blog!

Here is a short update of couple of things that took place over the past 2 months:

I went to Spain to visit Pati in the mid January. I have had a chance to meet her new boyfriend. Ricardo seems like a decent bloke. He is not Josep, though... I really, I mean really, liked Josep. It is a shame they are not together any more. But that is life. People get together, something goes wrong, they break up... You just have to move on and look for happiness and for your other half somewhere else.
And Ricardo... It is hard for me to have an opinion or to judge someone I have met once in my life. But he seems like a nice guy. I hope Pati is happy with him. And when she is happy, I am happy.

I have started taking Angie to agility classes. We have attended four sessions and I am not really sure whether we are going to attend any more. The trainer is the main reason. He is nice, he has got knowledge, he is qualified to run training classes (at least that is what he has told us... I have not really checked his credentials with the Kennel Club yet...) The only problem with the guy is that he is so unorganised! He talks too much, dog owners do not know what they are supposed to do most of the times and everything seems a bit out of control. I know he has just become a dog trainer not that long ago. So maybe he just needs more time to deal with issues and more time to learn how to organise training sessions. However, if I spend money, I want to make sure that it is spent properly. I do not want to feel like I am wasting it or like I am wasting my time. And, unfortunately, that is how I have felt while attending his classes.

I am back at university. Want to finish my MA. Although I find this semester's modules quiet difficult, there is also an element of greater stimulation of the senses, better motivation, encouragement and willingness to find out new things and issues.

I have decided to start swimming. I have not really excercised lately and thought it would be a good idea to get back in shape. I consider swimming a great way of doing it. I have started slowly, two times per week, a couple of pool lengths at a time. I want to increase the length with time, I do not want to rush anything because the results could be disastrous.

Slawek and I have also started taking Angie to a vet in order to sort out all the vaccinations, blood tests and documents necessary if we want to get her a pet passport. We want to take Angie abroad with us this summer and have got to start the procedure at least six months before we come back from holidays. Obtaining a pet passport is not a big issue here, it is just the law allowing us to come back with her that is a real pain in the neck.

After months of virtually not taking any photos, I have finally bought a new camera! Nikon D90 is my newest toy for the upcoming months.

And last but not least, I got peed on by a dog... twice... What is up with the universe??? An event like that is supposed to bring me happiness and good fortune... I am not really convinced, I must say...

14 January 2010

Check It Out

Hey, check out this link, people...


I find it absolutely hilarious :)))

8 January 2010

My Guilty Pleasures

Everybody has a guilty pleasure. Some people have just one. Others have several. Some people talk about them openly, others prefer to keep certain information to themselves. The truth is, most of us crave for something naughty and most of us feel guilty for enjoying it. So do I.

When thinking about my guilty pleasures, I thought I would have difficulties coming up with one. Surprise, surprise... The list got a big long but I will stick to just a few guilty pleasures of mine...

1. Watching Big Brother is certainly one of my biggest guilty pleasures. I don't know what is so interesting about this show, I find people taking part in it highly miserable and annoying and it is completely boring most of the time. Yes, I know I'm wasting my time watching it. And yet, I watch it. Thank God I am sometimes hit with moments of clarity that are followed by a good, loud blow of guilt to my head.

2. Drinking Drambuie, Southern Comfort or Disaronno. What can I say? I like having a drink while taking a bath or watching a movie. Is that really something I should feel guilty about...?

3. Chinese food... I know it is full of fat and contains lots of calories. But I just can't help it...

4. This one is quite obvious - chocolate. I cannot live without it. As a matter of fact I think I am addicted to it. But guess what? I don't care! Forbidden fruits taste the best and so does chocolate. To be honest, I don't even feel guilty for eating it several times per every day...

5. Shoes... "Do you really need another pair?", the guilty conscience on my right shoulder asks. "Of course you do, dummy!!! Buy them!!!", the Devil on my left whispers. I always listen to the latter...

1 January 2010

Bring It On 2010!

1st January 2010... I cannot believe how quickly the time passes...

How could I describe the past year? Interesting... Full of surprises... Emotional... Trying...
Lots of things happened during the last 365 days. Some of them put a smile on my face, some were encouraging, others emotionally distressing. Below is the short summary of a few events that took place in 2009:

1. I had to postpone finishing my Master's Degree and take a gap year due to financial difficulties.
2. I saw Depeche Mode performing live at the o2 Arena in London.
3. I taught Angie how to close every single drawer and lower cupboards in my kitchen.
4. After weeks of training and hard work, Angie completed the Advanced Stage of Obedience Course and won a gold medal in a small slalom competition.
5. I established new friendships and rebuilt relationships with old friends.
6. I realised some people considered themselves my friends only when it was convenient for them or when they wanted or needed something from me. I also learned that being honest with some of them would take me a long way and after months of not being sure whether I should have done it or not, I finally got of my chest what really bothered me. It helped me clear the air with few people. It also resulted in some of my friendships being flushed down the toilet.
7. I fed an elderly, homeless man.
8. I got invited on a tour of the Olympic Park in London.
9. I took part in the Mayor of London's Skyride along with over 65 thousands cyclists.
10. I became a member of PETA and Dog Trust.
11. I cooked the deer stew for the first time in my life.
12. I watched every single episode of Friends for the 100s time and watched all 4 seasons of my favourite TV drama, Prison Break.

At the beginning of every New Year people make lists of New Year's resolutions. From promises of staying healthy to declarations of getting better jobs and saving money, the lists are endless. The truth is that most people do not keep their resolutions for more than a week and, according to some research, only about 12% actually achieve their goals.

I realise, however, that I am no different than others and I also am tempted to promise "the impossible". So here is the list of my New Year's Resolutions for 2010:

1. To finish my Master's Degree in Media Studies with a very good grade.
2. To keep posting on my Past, Present, Future blog at least once per week.
3. To move out of London.
4. To train Angie to jump through a hoola-hop and start taking her to agility classes.
5. To eat less chocolate. Yeah, right... Let's be honest. I do not want to make any promises I know I will not keep... I, thus, promise to eat more fruits and veggies.
6. To get a job in the media sector.
7. To start learning a new language. Out of so many alternatives, I have opted for either Chinese or Japanese (which one is easier?)
8. To focus less on negative sides of life and smile a lot.
9. To stay away from fake and boring people.
10. To spend more time with friends and show them how much I care.
11. To start kickboxing again.
12. To use my camera more often and take more pictures.

Too many resolutions? Perhaps. Unrealistic? Don't think so. I think moving out of London is going to be the hardest one to achieve but, hey, nothing is impossible, right?

All the best for 2010!