16 December 2009
Best Night Of My Life :)
2 December 2009
Dreams In Tatters...
30 November 2009
Angie's growing fan base :)
29 November 2009
Best Christmas Markets
26 November 2009
Are We Still Friends?
So what do friends do? they appreciate and value each other's company and are altruistically loyal towards one another. They like us, we like them back. They regard us with care and sincerity and so we trust them, too.
On which to softly cry
From darkness and despair
20 November 2009
Work, Work, Work...
2 November 2009
Not-So-Disastrous Weekend
29 October 2009
25 October 2009
Reconciled Friendship ;)
21 October 2009
6 October 2009
1 October 2009
Uni, Uni, Uni...
I have just been sent another, “corrected” timetable for Semester A… it is the third one within less than a week… How am I supposed to organize my life, my work and my time when they change everything every two days?!
I know it is a big uni… I know there are lots of students, lots of modules, lots of professors, lecturers and tutors… I know there are many things to organize and many issues to put in order… But, for crying out loud, they had the entire summer to do it!
I want to SCREEEAAAM!!!
30 September 2009
My Beloved Granny...

I have so many great memories from my childhood years thanks to Her... I remember my granny when I was maybe 4, 5 years old. We used to play this game... She was getting down on her knees and let me ride on her back. I was screaming “faster, granny, faster!” and she would give me rides around her living room pretending to be a horse carrying a princess (me :).
Every time I came over to visit my granny, we would build a house under a table in her living room. We used chairs to make the house walls and a blanket to darken the “house” inside. My granny always crawled under the table to “visit” my little house and a have a cup of pretend tea with me.
She had a big magic box. It was full of buttons... There were hundreds of them inside... all in different sizes, shapes and colours. I used to play with them for hours trying to find and match two or three identical buttons. The box was truly magical to me...
My grandma is almost 82 now. She is in a perfect physical shape. Her heart and other organs are in perfect condition. There is just this one thing... She is suffering from the Alzheimer disease...
She has been on medication for few years now, but the disease slowly destroys her... She has good days but she has also been losing herself progressively... The disease is, unfortunately, degenerative and incurable... She suffers from memory loss and has difficulty in remembering recently learned facts. She becomes very confused during the day and sometimes does not know where she is. She becomes irritable, over-sensitive and moody. She can be very aggressive towards other people and accuses members of the family of stealing her money. She has mood swings and cries with no apparent reason only to laugh five minutes later...
A couple of last months were very difficult for everybody. My granny felt very bad and the state of her mental health was getting worse every day. She was rude to everybody and unbearable to be around. She could not remember who she was, where she was, where she lived... she could not remember whether she got her monthly pension money or whether she ate dinner or not. She could not even comprehend the idea of making herself something to eat... Everybody was worried about her, tired of the situation, exhausted from constantly ensuring her of virtually everything...
We all came to a decision that granny could not live alone anymore. My mom’s sister decided to bring granny to her house in Holland where she has lived for few years. First month was really tough... after awhile my auntie had just enough... grandma was feeling worse and worse... my auntie was becoming depressed, tired of the worsening situation and could not stand it anymore...
Nobody knew what to do... We started considering placing granny in a home for people who suffer from Alzheimer disease. I did some research regarding homes for elderly in Poland… Asked few people for their opinions, I read few blogs and forums… Discussions were highly-debated and, unfortunately, those who have never experienced people with Alzheimer disease and who have never had to deal with many dreadful and shocking situations were the ones who had the most things to say. I am not trying to justify any decision that my family will probably have to face in the future… All I am saying is that those people who really have no idea what it is like to take care of a person with Alzheimer disease, will always have something bad to say against those who have to make such difficult decisions…
Everybody was expecting the worst... We all anticipated that granny’s state would worsen even more... We were just waiting for the inevitable...
After doing some research, my uncle found a private home in our home town... It looked surprisingly good. I was expecting a typical home where elderly people just wait to die... Amazingly, that home is really nice... They have polite, respectful and professional staff of doctors and nurses offering 24h medical assistance... They offer many things for housemates: rehabilitation, physiotherapy, games and activities, tv room, sitting area, a chapel and a church not so far away from the house (which is very important to my granny)... all those elderly people who live there are engaged in many things, they are mentally stimulated and motivated almost all the time...
Because I live in England, I do not get to see my granny very often. That is why I decided to go to Holland and spend some quality time with her. I had booked a flight and, a few days later, I landed at the Eindhoven Airport. My auntie picked me up and we headed home... I was afraid my granny would be in a bad state, that she would not recognize me... But my auntie told me that granny had been feeling better lately and could not wait to finally see me...

The time I spent with granny was precious. She was happy, joyful and in high spirits all the time. Before she started living with my auntie, granny lived alone for few years. And that is probably one of the reasons why the disease was progressing so quickly. And all she needed was a bit of company... all she needed was just few people around her who would make her feel loved and secure...
We decided not to place granny in a nursing home. It would be too fast and it would be cruel. Not now... If her health worsens to the point where we just do not know what to do anymore, then we will see. This thing cannot be rushed. It needs to be thought about very carefully and it cannot be an impulse decision.
So for now, I just want to show her how much loved she really is and I want to enjoy every moment of her happiness and the slightest smile on her face... that is all that matters now...

26 September 2009
Skyride Photos

Chiara, however, brought her own camera to the festival and we took few photos as well :)
24 September 2009
"Great" Day...
If it wasn’t enough, going to work today drove me up the wall… I think Central Line is the worst one in the London’s underground system in terms of crowds, the amount of bad-smelly people and rude idiots.
Morning started bad but evening was even worse…
On my way back from work, I was waiting for a Piccadilly Line at the Hammersmith Station. A strange looking guy was standing at the platform and looking at me. I didn’t pay attention to him at first but after he got into the same wagon and kept starring, I became a bit suspicious. After patiently pretending I was not bothered by him and waiting for him to get bored by the lack of any attention on my part, I changed to a different wagon. One minute later he was standing next to me! I then changed to Central Line. He did, too. I got a bit frustrated. And then I saw him taking pictures of me with his mobile phone!!! That was it!!!
I said with an angry voice ‘What, the hell, do you think you’re doing?!’ He said ‘Nothing…’ I said ‘What do you mean “nothing”?! I just saw you taking pictures of me with your mobile phone!’
He obviously denied that fact and that is when I started screaming at him… I screamed a lot and I screamed very loudly… I told him I was going to call the police and then we would see whether there were any pictures of me in his mobile. And considering the fact that I didn’t know him and he did not have any permission to take any pictures of me, he would be in big trouble. He suddenly admitted that he took one photo and was just deleting it. He got off at the next station. I was really relieved, I must admit.
What a freaking wacko… Filthy, disgusting bastard!!!
I Had A Dream...
I wasn’t a pilot, though… The pilot was 60 year old woman, with grey hair and a very nice smile.
I truly love roller-coasters and the more thrilling and breathtaking the ride, the more fun I have. I also thought that not much could surprise me in terms of amusement rides. But that dream... OH MY GOD!!! It was amazing! That pilot lady was one freaky aviator. She did rapid turning movements, climbed upwards, suddenly dropped down and did rolls and loops... The feeling was mind-blowing... It was so strong and so real, I could actually feel G-forces pushing me back into my seat...
That was the best dream ever! :))
22 September 2009
Reading Over One's Shoulder...
Don't we just hate it?!
I do not really understand why we get so annoyed by it in the first place... Those who read our books would not steal the letters from them... They would not vaporize from a newspaper... Words written on each and every one of the pages of a newspaper will still be there... answer to a silly question in ELLE Magazine will still be present on exactly the same page even if someone reads it with us... a murder case will still be solved in the last chapter of a psychological thriller even if someone picks over our shoulder and reads it too... So why do we hate it so much? Is it because it is OUR book, OUR newspaper, OUR magazine and nobody has the right to look at it and to invade our privacy?
I do not know... All I know is that every time a have a feeling of someone reading my book over my shoulder, I simply want to look at that person and say “Do you mind?”
Anyway... I have found this Subway Etiquette: The Art Of Reading Over Someone’s Shoulder. You can access it here.
21 September 2009
Skyride 20.09.2009.
Over 65 thousands of cyclists, Londoners and tourists, took their bikes and rode famous, free of traffic London streets.
Slawek and I hopped on the saddles in the morning and headed for Victoria Park Hub (at least that was where we thought the starting point for this part of London was… like last year…) We were really surprised when we realized that there was no hub in Victoria Park… nobody knew where the hob had been moved or whether there were any hubs at all this year… Our friends, Chiara and Mauro, were bewildered as well… We checked the Skyride website using a mobile phone… nothing was mentioned about any starting points anywhere in London… we had no map, nobody knew what to do or where to go… I asked one cyclist whether he knew where the hub was and it turned out it had been moved to Mile End… 7 km from where we were… After few minutes of cycling, we finally found the hub… I was really disappointed… the starting point was poorly signposted and was much smaller than last year’s…
Anyway, we put on green Hi-Viz cycling bibs displaying “Mayor of London’s Skyride” sign and rode to the city’s centre. We started the 15km route from Tower Hill, passed the Tower of London, rode through Lower and Upper Thames Streets, Victoria Embankment, Northumberland Avenue, through Trafalgar Square and The Mall, passed Buckingham Palace and the Victoria Monument.
The resting area was located in St. James’s Park. It was packed with many activities: food, entertainment, music, bike trials displays… Professional BMX and Mountain Bike riders performed tricks in the so-called Street Zone whilst amateur riders could try their luck in stunt riding. You could get a free bike make-over in the Style Zone, learned few tips on health and wellbeing from the members of British Cycling and Nike4Life or took part in a cycle sprint challenge in the Active Zone.
The park was packed with thousands of people lying around on the grass, having their lunches or simply relaxing and enjoying the beautiful, sunny day.
After half an hour, we headed back towards Tower Hill. We posed and smiled for some pictures as we rode past few cameras at designated Photo Points. By the way, the photos were supposed to be ready to download from the Skyride website today at 9am... I think so many people tried to download them that the site crashed... I will try tomorrow again and if I am lucky, I will post some pics from the festival...
Overall, the day was awesome! Over 65,000 cyclists took part in the festival. Bikes and green Hi-Viz bids were everywhere!!! Streets were packed with wall-to-wall riders: moms and dads, grannies and grandpas, kids from smallest to those big ones… couples, loners, groups of friends… clowns on tall bikes, bumblebees buzzing and dancing around amongst the riders, music lovers with huge speakers blasting out tunes, even a piano guy who rode his bike while hitting the keyboards…
The day was simply brilliant and I already cannot wait for the next year’s festival…
8 September 2009
Rain... :)
Aren't they amazing?
I have no idea who these guys are, where and when this video was recorded... I would love to get to know more about this group so if anyone has any idea who these guys are, let me know please :)
12 August 2009
A Tour of the Olimpic Park
The tour departed from Stratford Regional Station at 6pm. Before getting on a bus, I had to show my tour invitation and a driving licence to prove that I am actually ME and not some Jane Doe trying to steal some confidential information from people working on the site ;)
It took us approximately 8-10 minutes to reach the Olympic Park. Security on the Park is very tightly controlled and all participants had to show their photographic identifications again. What is more, one of the security officers walked into the bus with a search dog, checked everyone’s bags and made sure no one was bringing anything suspicious to the Park.
And we were in...

I was really impressed, I must admit...
I had the opportunity to see how the major venues for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games are developing and taking shape. Even though the whole place still looks like a huge construction site, it was a really nice experience.
Our tour guide, one of the chief managers of the site, shared with us some very interesting facts about the Park’s development.
We learned that building and preparation of the Olympic Park consists of four phases:
Phase 1, called “Planning and set-up”, involved planning, setting-up, preparing budgets and timetables for delivery.
Phase 2, called “Demolish, dig, design”, included clearing and cleaning of the Park. The ODA cleared the land, demolished hundreds of buildings across the site and moved the powerlines from the overhead steel towers into tunnels running underneath the site. By the end of summer 2008, the Park was prepared and ready for the big build.
Phase 3, called “The big build”, is the major stage. The “big five” venues of the Olympic Park will be constructed and built over the period of 3 years (between summer 2008 and summer 2011).
The 2012 Olympic Games are being planned closely with the long-term improvement of the region. After the Games, a new area will be incorporated with the surroundings of the Park. Local community will benefit from a new park, new homes and outstanding, world-class sporting facilities. It sound promising considering the fact that East London has been a rather underdeveloped area and improving the region means more fun for us all :)
Construction has already begun on the new infrastructure, utilities and transport links in and around the Olympic Park, as well as on the Olympic Village, Aquatics Centre and the Olympic Stadium.

The Olympic Village is going to provide accommodation for thousands of athletes, team members and officials from all around the world during the 2012 Olympic Games. It will include restaurants, shops, medical services, leisure facilities and large areas of open space. After the Games, the Olympic Village will become part of Stratford’s regeneration project and will provide thousands of new homes for sale and rent.
The Aquatics Centre

The Aquatics Centre will act as a gateway to the Olympic Park. The venue will accommodate two 50m swimming pools and a diving pool. Up to 17,500 fans will be able to watch athletes taking part in Swimming, Diving, Synchronised Swimming, Modern Pentathlon and Water Polo competitions. After the Games, the pools will be open to use by local communities.
The Olympic Stadium

The foundations of the Olympic Stadium have been completed and work is now being carried on the upper seating structure and the roof. The Stadium will take the shape of a bowl and it will allowed 80,000 fans to watch Opening and Closing Ceremonies as well as Paralympic and Paralympic Athletics. After the Games, 55,000 seats will be demounted and taken away. The Stadium will be transformed into a 25,000 capacity Athletics Stadium and will host a variety of sporting, cultural, educational and community events.
According to the Olympic Park leaflet I have been given, other venues of the Olympic Park during the London 2012 Olympic Games will include:
- Hockey Centre with 20,000 seats for fans wanting to watch Hockey, Paralympic Five-a-side Football and Paralympic Seven-a-side Football;
- Eton Manor with 10,500 seats for the Wheelchair Tennis fans; 2,000 seats for the Paralympic Archery fans and training facilities that will later be transformed to a tennis, football and hockey facility;
- IBC/MPC (the International Broadcast Centre/ Main Press Centre) that will host 20,000 of the world’s media in state-of-the-art facilities;
- Basketball Arena with 10,000-12,000 seats for Basketball and Handball finals, Wheelchair Rugby and Wheelchair Basketball fans that will be dismantled after the Games and reconstructed elsewhere in the UK;
- Handball Arena with up to 7,000 seats for Handball, Modern Pentathlon (Fencing) and Paralympic Goalball fans which will later be converted into multi-sport arena;
- Velo Park with 6,000-seat cycling Velodrome and a BMX Circuit with 6,000 temporary seats. After the Games, facilities for road cycling and mountain biking will be added and the Velo Park will be left for community to use.
It is all very exciting and I cannot wait for tickets to go on sale... I would love to see the Opening or Closing Ceremonies (or both :) as well as to support athletes from my country with the hope of winning at least 10 golden medals in the 2012 Olympics...
10 August 2009
The last time I sat on a horse was when I was a teenager. One hot summer, I was staying at my aunt's summer house in Rokitnica, Poland. The horse belonged to one of the local farmers. It was one of those big, working horses and I could not really tell whether I liked it or not. However, the idea of sitting on it was very tempting as I had not sat on a horse before. I was probably 12-13 years old and had no idea how to get on a horse, what to do and how to behave. And, let's be honest, the farmer had no idea either. The horse was just a tool for him... it was just a hard-working animal used only to make the farmer's life on a farm easier.
Anyway... not knowing how to get on such a big horse, my cousin and I came up with an idea. We took an old, wooden chair and placed it next to the horse. I stepped up on the chair and, to this day I do not know how, I got on the horse... I must admit, I did not like that new feeling at all... The horse was too big, it was uncomfortable and unpleasant to be sat on it and I felt really awkward about the whole situation. I think I got off the horse quicker than I had got on it... I did not like this whole experience at all and have been rather hesitant and skeptical to being around horses ever since. I do not think I have ever stood close to a horse since that day...
I realised how wrong I have been this whole time last weekend...
Slawek and I visited the Horse Riding Centre in the Lea Valley Regional Park on Saturday. And I have completely fallen in love with horses...

4 August 2009
I think we picked more than 4kg of blackberries. They were big, black and really sweet. I rinsed them with water when we got home on Saturday afternoon. I, then, put them in a big pan, powdered lots of sugar on top and left them for several hours (in this case, for the whole night). Next morning, the blackberries were covered with sweet, yummy syrup. I squashed some juice from a whole lemon, carefully stirred the blackberries and boiled them on a low heat for few minutes. I put them in jars while they were still hot and I poured the remaining syrup in 3 glass bottles. Surprisingly, from 4kg of blackberries, I got only 5 small jars of jam...
We are definitely going blackberry picking next weekend!!!
Oh, one more thing. Of course, we took Angie with us as well and, to my biggest surprise, she loves blackberries!!! How strange is that?!
27 July 2009
Homemade Cheesecake
22 July 2009
Strange frames of mind...
8 July 2009
The Last Goodbye...
Michael's brother, Jermaine, sang Smile, one of Michael's favourite songs from Charlie Chaplin's movie Modern Times. I think, for him, it was a perfect way to say goodbye...
Of course everybody is saddened by Michael's death as he has passed away too soon... But we should be grateful... we should be grateful that we have got to see his extraordinary talent grow over the years... we should be grateful because we have been able to witness his undeniable genius...
Michael's irresistible musical legacy will never be forgotten... let's never forget what his life, music and performances were all about... and let's smile every time we hear Billy Jean, Black or White, Thriller, The Way You Make Me Feel, Smooth Criminal, Man in The Mirror... let's smile every time we watch him dancing in his videoclips... let's smile every time we see him doing "the moonwalk" in recorded live shows... let's smile and think that he was the best and always will be...
30 June 2009
Angie's new best friend

26 June 2009
The King is Dead...
24 June 2009

11 June 2009
Emancipation... liberation of women... yes, it is what we wanted! We have struggled for so long to be treated on the same level as men... to be seen as not inferior to them, to be seen as not superior to them but to be seen as equal. And, thank God, we are slowly getting there. Not that long ago, men and only men held all the important positions, worked for government, were chief directors, doctors and lawyers. Not that long ago, women had only marginal roles, were men’s secretaries, receptionists and nurses, or simply stayed-at-home servants and housekeepers. It has all changed and today, more and more women are doctors and lawyers, many occupy significant managerial and government positions.
But has the situation changed for the better...?
I think we pay a high price for our emancipation... Yes, we want to be free. Yes, we want to be liberated and modern. Yes, we are hungry for the same opportunities men have got. But we didn’t say we wanted to be treated like dudes...
I think that women tolerate men’s rude behaviour to a great extent. They accept men who treat them badly, who do not take care of them, who treat them like dirt. Is a rude and offensive guy more manly and macho because he acts like an idiot? I don’t think so. I am sure many women (and I hope men as well) would agree with me when I say that ignorant, impolite and bad-mannered guys are not sexy at all. They are repulsive, unappealing and simply dull.
Where are all the gentlemen and nice guys gone? Why don’t men treat us like women anymore? We didn’t ask them to stop caring for us, taking care of us, loving us. We are still attracted to romantic guys. We are still attracted to men who open door for us, bring us flowers, offer us seats, take our coats... We still want some love, affection and romance... We still want to be admired, glorified and adored... Do we really want too much? Is this treating us like dudes a price we have to pay for wanting to be respected and appreciated on the same level as men?
Our society becomes more and more intolerant, narrow-minded and simply rude. I really do not expect men to offer me a seat in a tube. I am a young, healthy person and do not have to sit down wherever I go. What makes me mad, though, is when I see a visibly pregnant woman struggling to protect her belly from elbows of other passengers or an elderly lady who can barely stand on her own while a young, “cool” dude sits on the bus and pretends he does not see them. That is what really pisses me off.
I think this is a really big problem. Many people lack simple courtesy. And who is responsible for teaching them good manners? Parents. School. Society. We experience the world on our own but it is up to our parents and teachers to show us how to behave and conduct ourselves. They should be the ones who have formative effects on our minds. They should be the ones who influence our characters, values, ideas, principles and morals.
Even animals have principles. It is really sad that people, equipped with an indispensable skill such as logical and coherent thinking, still lack certain commonsense standards.